[. . . ] SAFETY INFORMATION X6SIDIB) UPS@9V8@UC@SDTFPAADS@PS@G@8USD8 TCP8F 9PIPU@YQPT@UCDT@RVDQH@IUUP S6DIPSHPDTUVS@ UPS@9V8@UC@SDTFPAADS@PS@G@8USD8 TCP8F 6I96IIP`DIBDIU@SA@S@I8@ VT@ UC@S@8PHH@I9@9688@TTPSD@TPIG` Ghr9vqrQrvr Hhrvhy) Bh6 Xhryrtu) 9W9) %$ 89) &# @vv9hv) 8v Ghr) Hh $X Qr8qQrpv UhvqhhyspvsurQyhrhqrp hthvryrpvpupxsvrrhyvwyrhrirr ursyyvt Cyqurytsvyurprpvtqvprpvtur 68rpq Frrur68rpqhhsurhvthyvhpr Irrhurhiwrpur68rpq 9hrrhvrppur68rpq vhh UuvQyhrvpyhvsvrqhh8G6TT G6T@Sqp Uur8G6TT G6T@SQSP9V8Uyhiryvyphrqur rhpr Uuvqpphvhyryhrqrvpr Urr pvrqhsrqrrhprhr thvhpprurvvqrsurqp Srsrhyyrvp vthyvsvrqrry -1- EN SAFETY INFORMATION GphvhqChqyvt 9pryhpruryhrvrpyrqhpr rrrprvrrrhrivyq 9yhprurQyhrvqvrpyvturhurh pr FrrurQyhrhhsthtrvpiwrp 9yhprhiwrpphvvthruryvvq urQyhrDurrruhyvvquyqrrurphi vryturQyhrvrqvhryhqphpurrhvyr rvprprrhrqiTC6SQvrqvhry 9rrurQyhrphivrUpuvthvvqr urphivrpyqryvryrpvpupxhqqhhtr urQyhrArvprhqhqwrvvqrurphiv rphyyhhyvsvrqqrhyrrvprprrhrqi TC6SQ Trvpr 9hrrvpruvQyhrrysQyrhrrsr hrvprurrhrrvprprrhrqi TC6SQ 8vtu 6qvvhyhrvhyhpvspvturqxvpu irrpqrqvuurhuvsurrs urpvtuQyrhrrsrryrhyhvp 8Qrpv UuvQyhrHhpvvprpvP9W9 uhvpyqrhprpvpqrvsurprsur 9W9hrpvrqvthW8Surprpvpqrr rurvqrhrpsyhvthyy IrQrvq XururQyhrvirvtrqvpuurQyhrur Thqiqr XuryrsrqshytrvqsvrurQyhruyq iryttrqsururuyq68yr 6hh8yhvsVTQhrI#%" %" #$&&!%#' (('hq#(&("yvprrqsyvvrq vrvtry IAvtrPurPiwrpDvqr 9hsrvtiwrpurqvph Uuvqpvphrpvturpvrpuyt uhvrprqiruqpyhvsprhvVThr hqurvryyrphyrvturqiHhpvv 8hvhqurvturVrsuvpvtu rpvrpuytirhuvrqiHhpvv 8hvhqvvrqrqsurhquryvvrq vrvtryyrurvrhuvrqi Hhpvv8hvSrrrrtvrrvtqvh riyvuvivrq Thpxvt QyhprurQyhrvhuvhyvvhqqyhpr huvturhv 8qrhv Hvrhsurvpxyrvursyyvtpqv v) vrqvhryhsrhurhruhirrrq vhrhruvq ururQyhrvqqryrqshpyqrv rhhr Duvphrurrhqhvhirus urvrrhhr SrprqrqHrhrsPvQvpr @pryyrpr UurQyhrvhrpvvqrvpruhvpprqvt rrryhpphrrpuyt Tvyvtsvpvhssrpvturvpxyrqvpqvrph vhvurvhtrhyv6urrvurvqrhqv vyyiryhrqihpx 8hphuvrqTuhyvr sqrhvy 9hrpyrhurvpxyrrys 8yrhvt VytQyhrirsrpyrhvtVrhqhpyus pyrhvt9rpyrhvtsyvqhryuvpupyq rrurQyhrhqphrqhhtrsvrryrpvphyupx Uurrihprhhyqrrvhrursvvus Qyhr DsurrvIvrDrsrrprurUWXuvyrh 7hqphvirvtSrprvrq 9rrqvturrprvpqvvsurUWvrsrrpr hhrhurUWvuvyrhpuhUWihq phhqurQyhrvyrsUuvvhhyspvsur QyhrurUWU hpuhUWihqphssur Qyhr -2- EN TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ABOUT THIS MANUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] (This operation works only with discs on which multiple subtitle languages are recorded, if not prohibited by the disc. ) Press SUBTITLE during playback. will be displayed First press to TIME: TITLE ELAPSED Mode Second press to TIME: TITLE REMAIN Mode Third press to TIME: CHAPTER ELAPSED Mode Fourth press to TIME: CHAPTER REMAIN Mode If TITLE ELAPSED is displayed, the elapsed time for the title is being displayed. If TITLE REMAIN is displayed the remaining time for the title is being displayed. If CHAPTER ELAPSED is displayed, the elapsed time for the chapter is being displayed. If CHAPTER REMAIN is displayed, the remaining time for the chapter is being displayed. Press SUBTITLE a number of times until the preferred language is selected. When this button is pressed once, the first subtitle recorded on the disc will be displayed. The rest of the subtitles recorded will be displayed in sequence for every press SUBTITLE. Usually a circulation will happen while switching to another language, that is you can cancel the subtitle by pressing this button a number of times until appears on the screen. Pressing to TIME fifth time can close display menu screen. If you wait ten seconds without pressing any button for changing time mode, time information on screen disappears. NOTE: In some cases, the subtitle language is not changed immidiately to the selected one. When the preferred language is not selected even after pressing the button several times, it means that the language is not available on the disc. When the player is restarted or the disc is changed, the subtitle selection is automatically changed back to the initial settings. If a language is selected, which is not supported by the disc, the subtitle language will automatically be set to the discs priority language. - 21 - EN Changing Audio Soundtrack Language Using a DVD Menu Some DVD discs have unique menu structures called DVD menus. For example, DVDs programmed with complex content provide guide menus, and those recorded with various languages provide menus for audio and subtitle language. Although the DVD menus content and operation differ from disc to disc, the following explains basic operation when this feature is used. The DVD menu available on the disc is now displayed. It is possible to change the audio language from the one selected at the initial settings to a different language, if available. (This operation works only with discs on which multiple audio soundtrack languages are recorded, if not prohibited by the DVD. ) Press AUDIO during playback. Press AUDIO a number of times until the preferred language is selected. NOTE: When the preferred language is not selected even after pressing the button several times, it means that the language is not available on the disc. When the standby is turned on or the disc is removed, the language heard is the one selected at the initial settings. If this language is not recorded on the disc, only the available language on the disc will be heard. Viewing From Another Angle Some DVD discs may contain scenes, which have been shot simultaneously from a number of different angles. For these discs, the same scenes can be viewed from each of these different angles using the ANGLE button. From that moment on, the xth of total angles is played and you can change the viewing angle until the end of the multi-angle scene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player, Qr Srvrr Urs9vp Trq !!!#W$C 66qwhiyr Qrpv) XQPX@SPI 6$XTU6I97`qr 9W9) TTTG TT9G 9TTG 9T9G !9W9$ !9W9( !9W9 !9W9 ' WvqrUr W89 TW89 6V9DP89 89S 89SX HQ" EQ@B HQ@B# 9vY WvqrP HQ@B!WvqrThqhq9rpqvtHQ@B rq AyyTprrWvqr9vyhs&!$&%Q6G&!#'IUT8vry $hq%CshrrsruhrQ6GIUT8 9vtvhyivrhprvthr 'Hivrp Gvrryvruh$yvr 6hytWvqr)Xvuvt% iv!&HCvqr968 8W7T)Q6GIUT8Irthvrpuvrq Wb&$yhqrqd TWD9@P)`P) W b&$yhqrqd 8P)!'%Wb&$yhqrqdIUT8 "Wb&$yhqrqdQ6G Uutu#vHvv9DITWD9@Pprp SB78W7T)UutuAyy@phPQv'8y `P)&Wb&$yhqrqdQ6G Q%8%P)&Wb&$yhqrqdQ6G Q585P)&Wb&$yhqrqdQ6G Xurtrvrphvrqphvqrhrqvhiyrq 6hyt8rWvqr 6qvUr 6qvP 9yi9vtvhyhq9v GQ8H 9UT9vtvhy 9vtvhy6qvP) D@8($' UPTGDIF 6hytP) !#7v(%#'## xCqhyvt968 !S86whpxGrsSvtu GrsSvtuhqvsAyy@ph P8uhry) !Wq7s xC 9vrv Xrvtu #!X$#C!'9 !&xt - 36 - EN DEFINITION OF TERMS Angle Recorded onto some DVD discs are scenes, which have been simultaneously shot from a number different angle (the same scene is shot from the front, from the left side, from the right side, etc. ). With such discs, the ANGLE button can be used to view the scene from different angles. A title is subdivided into many sections, each of which are numbered, and specific parts of video presentations can be searched quickly using these numbers. [. . . ]